Felony Offenses – Houston Felony Attorney Fighting Serious Felony Charges in Harris County
Being charged with a crime is a serious matter. We are the Houston area criminal defense law office of Lisa Shapiro Strauss Attorney at Law. Our firm provides comprehensive criminal defense representation. This is for men, women and young adults facing misdemeanor and felony charges.
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We understand the lasting consequences associated with felony offenses. This includes theft, forgery, possession of drugs, weapons charges, white collar crimes and violent crimes.

Being charged with a crime is not the same as being guilty. Contact a Houston felony defense attorney for a free initial consultation.
Lisa is a Former Prosecutor Who Knows How to Fight These Felony Charges
Felony defense attorney Lisa Shapiro Strauss is also a former prosecutor in Texas with 25 years of experience practicing law. Her unique background enables her to anticipate how the state may approach your felony case. She can evaluate your situation from every angle to determine the best course of action.
We have extensive experience providing defense strategies for felony charges. Our experience includes the following:
- Felony assault
- Drug crimes (possession of drugs)
- Theft
- Burglary
- Probation revocation
- Weapons charges
- Forgery
- Fraud
As a former prosecutor, Ms. Strauss understands the value of your case. She also understands that many cases are based on misinformation, improper police conduct and other errors in judgment. She fights hard to have improper evidence suppressed and cases dismissed.
A Knowledge of Alternative Sentencing Options
When dismissal is not an option in a felony criminal case, we will evaluate alternative sentencing options versus possible trial outcomes to determine which is in your best interest. Options may include:
- Deferred adjudicated probation. If you follow court-ordered steps, the conviction would not go on your record.
- Straight probation. If you follow court-ordered steps, you could stay out of prison.
- Plea bargain. Depending on the situation, we could negotiate a lesser charge or minimum sentencing requirement.
It is important that you comply with court orders. If you violate your terms of probation, you could face substantial penalties.
Answers to Your Felony Charge Questions
What Should You Do If You Are Charged With a Crime You Didn’t Commit?
If you are charged with a crime you didn’t commit, it is important that you not make any statements to any law enforcement officers. Posting on social media about your arrest is also a bad idea. If possible, gather evidence that could prove your innocence and get the names of any witnesses who could prove helpful to your case. You are also entitled to review any warrants that were issued in relation to your case. And perhaps most important, hire an experienced lawyer. Read more about what you should do if you are charged with a crime you did not commit.
What Should I Expect From My First Meeting With a Criminal Defense Attorney?
It is the job of your attorney to be your advocate in the criminal justice system. To do this effectively, she will ask you a LOT of questions. And in order to ask you the RIGHT questions, she may request that you fill out a questionnaire or gather a list of documents before the first meeting.
It is also important that you come armed with questions of your own, like the experience of the attorney, and their success rate in cases like yours. Read more about what to expect from your first meeting with a criminal defense attorney.
Will an Arrest in Texas Remain on Your Record for the Rest of Your Life?
A felony conviction can affect you when applying for a job, a mortgage, for college, or even when renting an apartment. Unlike a person’s credit report, which usually only goes back 7 – 10 years, a person’s criminal record will remain on the public record indefinitely.
It may be possible, under certain circumstances, to get an arrest removed or “expunged” from the public record in Harris County. The first avenue is to have the arrest records sealed or Expunged, and it will be as if the arrest never happened. The second avenue is to have the record of the arrest sealed through an Order of Non-Disclosure, which does not remove the arrest from your record, but makes it so only certain government agencies can view it. Read more about whether an arrest in Texas will remain on your record for the rest of your life.
Do Not Delay. Call Us for a Free Initial Consultation.
If you or a loved one needs guidance from an experienced, dedicated, Houston assault attorney and felony defense lawyer, we urge you to contact us today.
Harris County Felony Charge Case Results
State v RJ: Client Charged with Retaliation. Lisa got the case dismissed.
State v CL: Client Charged with Assault on a Family or Household Member with Previous Conviction. Lisa got the case dismissed.
State v CL: Client Charged with Aggravated Assault on a Family Member. Lisa got the case dismissed.
State v AH: Client Charged with Assault on a Family/House Member by Impeding Breath or Circulation. Lisa got the case dismissed.